Monday, March 26, 2007

A miracle...

For awhile, my pastor over here in AZ (Bro. Evans) has been pastoring two churches because his good friend, Bro. Pence has been struggling with kidney cancer. It's been a struggle for everyone as our pastor at one point was going to leave and take over the other church altogether. For awhile we thought we were going to get a new pastor, but I guess no one fit the bill. Our pastor stayed and continued to pastor both churches. The other church is almost two hours away, so him and his family commute every week back and forth. Also, we have been looking for a new church building, and had one in mind, but i'm not sure what happened with that because I wasn't here for awhile. (I was in California with my wonderful friends in Orange County!! :-D) Anywho, I just wanted to say that yesterday I found out that Bro. Pence has been COMPLETELY HEALED of the kidney cancer. Isn't that awesome!?! Praise God!! So I'm guessing that soon our pastor wont need to pastor the other church anymore and he can get some more sleep. Our pastors do so much, they are such wonderful men of God, and I appreciate them everyday. [i have to do my spanish homework now otherwise i'd write more.]